Snakes and Ladders
1.Players take turns rolling the dice and move their pieces according to the number rolled.
2.If a player lands on a square with the bottom of a ladder, they climb up to the square at the top of the ladder.
3.If a player lands on a square with the head of a snake, they slide down to the square at the tail of the snake.
4.If a player is near the finish line and rolls a number greater than the remaining steps to reach the finish line, they must move backward. Only when the rolled number matches the remaining steps to the finish line can they reach it.
5.The first player to reach the finish line wins.
Game Configuration
1.Pieces: Each player has pieces of a specific color.
2.Game board: Consists of 100 squares and several ladders and snakes.
3.Turn time: 15 seconds.
4.First move determination: After the game begins, all players roll the dice together, and the player with the highest roll goes first.
5.Moving pieces: Everyone starts from square number [1].